Item # LDV1 - Predicting Business Plan Attainment via a Quantification of the Leadership Team
These Powerful Predictive Analytics predict Whether the Organization will achieve the Business Plan with an 80% Accuracy Rate. This is done via a Quantification of the Leadership Team (and Managers Below) Across a Proprietary set of Success Criteria Derived from Extensive Research so as to Identify what Actions needs to be taken by Individual in terms of Granting Developmental Assignments, Identifying where Retention Efforts are Required and Determining whether the Current Performance Management Systems are effective in Helping to Achieve the Business Plan
For more information please click here
Item # LDV2 – Experiential Learning Exercise to Drive Top Down Teamwork and Collaboration
This Facilitator-Led, Experiential Learning Exercise Deploys Powerful Metaphor-Based Gamification Techniques to Generate a Realization about the Pitfalls of a “We” vs. “They” Management Style /Operating Environment in Comparison to the Advantages of a “Collective We”. It is designed to Enhance Leadership Collaboration and Create an Awareness of the Need for and Value of Collaboration at the Top and Elsewhere within the Organization
Item # LDV3 – Specialized Consulting on Leveraging the Differences in Masculine & Feminine Leadership Strengths
Research shows a Strong Correlation between Gender Diversity in Leadership and Business Results (e.g. 30%+ Higher Total Return). Yet, rarely are Women Proportionately represented in Upper Management. This Consultancy works with Leaders to enhance their Understanding and Appreciation of the Strengths of both Masculine and Feminine Approaches that Exits in both Men and Women. They help assess the Level and Causes of Disengagement and Turnover among Women and assist with Developing Solutions. They deliver Dynamic, Reality-Based Training Programs that present the “Gender” issue as an Important Business Opportunity, avoiding Stereotyping and Defensiveness. The Result is a more Inclusive Organizational Culture with Higher Engagement, Retention, Productivity and Profitability
For more information click here
Item # LDV4 - Individualized Accountability Plans for Ensuring Senior Management Engagement in Strategic Initiatives
Most companies have systems in place to hold front line employees and
managers accountable for their performance. Fewer companies have the systems in place to hold the senior management & leadership team accountable for their engagement in and support of strategic
initiatives. This process supports the key initiatives by identifying individual behavioral development opportunities, establishing individual leadership accountability and developing personal plans
of action in support of the strategy. The organization's leaders can use these plans as talking points when discussing engagement and commitment with their teams
Item # LDV5 - 360 Leadership Survey with Traditional Individual Feedback but Also Management Team-Level Roll-Ups and Comparisons
Other 360's typically only provide Feedback to the Assessed Employee and His/Her Superior thereby Stopping Short of Identifying overall Team Strengths and Weaknesses and Comparing / Ranking Individual Managers across the Entire Relevant Team. This Employee-Survey Firm uses a Comprehensive Team-Based 360 Leadership Feedback Survey to identify and assess Leadership Effectiveness across Desired Groupings of Leaders. Each Leader receives His / Her Personalized Report of Actionable Information and Insight about how they are perceived and Areas for Improvement. HR and / or Select Senior Leaders can receive the Results for each Individual Leader as well as Roll Up Reports comparing and reviewing Strong and Weak Leaders in Rank Order along with Critical Information for Boosting Performance of the Leadership Teams
Item # LDV6 - Workshop on Creating the Business Case for Continuous Improvement Programs
Prior to launching any Continuous Improvement Program (CIP) Initiative or System it is Critical to identify the Business Needs and Enable Senior Leaders to create a Solid Business Case. This Workshop reviews how to Structure a CIP Program, Identify Key Stakeholders, Define Expected Results, and Identify the Different Types of Tools and Techniques Applicable to the Initiative. Methods include Establishing Leadership Commitment, Identifying Business Needs (including the Voice of Customers that creates the Need to Implement Change), creating a Shared Need for a Longer Term Initiative, identifying Internal and External Stakeholders, identifying the most Critical Processes (e.g. Eliminating Waste, Reducing Response Time, Simplifying Process or Product Design .etc.), SWOT Analysis and Promoter Score. Participants will have the Ability to Identify the Key Elements needed for creating a Business Case for any CIP Initiative including Identifying Relevant Costs and Expected ROI
Item # LDV7 - Executive Coaching Assessment and Plan Development
Organizations may have a variety of internal and/or external coaches / coaching programs with little or no sense of the overall effectiveness and Return on Investment of the overall initiative. This consultancy assesses the current state of executive coaching, supports with the rationalization of coaches, helps to develop the company policy for utilization of Executive Coaches and ensures that the coaches are monitored effectively for Return on Investment. Areas of consideration include coach qualifications, requisite accreditations, billing rates, quality of outcomes and ROI measurement
Item # LDV8 - Specialized Psychometric Test for Managers that Measures Personality Traits against Manager Norms
Effectively recruiting new managers or developing existing ones requires an evaluation of the capacity of an individual to manage other people by assessing the inane aspects of a personality, discovering the motivational aspects of the individual and understanding his/her attitudes / values and then comparing the results to normative data for managers . This 6th generation test which has been scientifically validated evaluates 11 dimensions of personality to describe the person’s profile. Highlighting an individual’s dominant style in management allows the individual to understand his / her management style and how it can affect his/her team. Assessing specific-position-related characteristics against norms allows the manager to understand if s/he is leading the most appropriate team, better respond to the needs of the team, highlight areas for personal development and understand how the manager goes about making decisions and handling conflict
For more information click here
Item# LDV9 - A 360 Survey Linked to a Proprietary Portfolio of Behaviors and Competencies
Most 360’s are straight survey tools and thus fall short of matching up survey responses with the ratees’ competencies as measured via an objective psychometric assessment. As a result, it can be difficult for the ratee to focus specific areas for development. This on- line, 360 survey tool instead couples the 360 survey results with the ratee’s own behavioral / competency assessment. The ratee takes an on-line behavioral assessment and then inputs rater’s names and emails. HR leaders approve /edit the list of raters. An email is then sent to all raters to take the survey. Once all raters are finished with the survey, a Summary Feedback Report that combines the self-assessment and survey data is delivered to HR and / or management. The tool provides insight on leadership strengths and weaknesses from multiple stakeholders based on soft skill competencies specific for that job so as to improve performance, address leadership challenges and / or develop high potentials.
For more information click here