Item # DVH 1 Nationwide Centrally Managed Three Vendor Dental PPO to Optimize Savings
Vendor has Assimilated 3 Name Brand Dental PPOs into a Single Nationwide Network that typically Covers 80% to 90% of Employees and at Billed Charges Minus 55% on Average. Employees are assigned to one of the Three Networks based on Geo Access Mapping and Disruption Analysis. Black Box Vendor Intermediary Re-Prices Claims and EDI’s the Amounts to Claims Processor but keeps PPO Discount Levels Confidential among the Three PPOs . Network can be added on to Existing Dental Plans (U.S. Only)
Item # DVH 2 – Simplified Direct Reimbursement/ Consumer Driven Dental
Since there is No Risk for the Employer with providing Dental Benefits, this Consumer-Driven Dental Program Design improves the Process by eliminating all: Schedules and Exclusions, Deductibles and Employee Premium Contributions. Instead, Employees are allowed to Choose Their Own Providers (PPO or not) and are required to pay a Larger Percentage of Actual Plan Costs the Amount of which Depends on the Procedures Elected and the Providers Selected. Employer controls Both the total Plan Costs and Annual Trend
Item # DVH3 - Simplified Direct Reimbursement/ Consumer Driven Vision (U.S. Only)
This is a Direct-To-Employee Reimbursement Vision Plan. Design Options to Include $0 Employee Premium Contribution and / or No Plan Administration Fees Paid for By Employer / Plan