Small Employers
The items in this section have been targeted for the smaller employer e.g less than 500 employees. If you see an item you like, please call us @ 219-662-0201 to disucss scalability for lagrer empoloyers
Item # SMER1 – Innovative Employment Program for Small Businesses Provides Access to Fortune 500-Style Benefits and HR Services that are Otherwise Unattainable / Unaffordable
To effectively compete for talent, smaller businesses need to be able provide all (or just their essential employees) with large-company- type benefits and other HR programs generally only available through larger employers. Allowing your organization to "act big while still being small", this non-PEO, Employer of Record (EOR) allows all or just the hand-picked employees of the smaller employer to become formal employees of just the EOR. Having once joined the EOR (which in effect is a permanent staffing company), employees can access an entire portfolio of benefit programs like health insurance, 401(k), LTD, dental, etc. with prices and plan features heretofore only available from large employers. This works because the rolled-up EOR is actually a larger employer in and of itself. Other cost effective services to the client include worker’s comp, HR compliance and HR administration. The results are that smaller employers can now save on a broad cross-section of HR costs; streamline operations, and focus more effectively on building their business and less on running their tedious day-to-day backroom-type HR operations.
Item # SMER2 - Guide for Employers Moving from Fully-Insured to Self-Funded (but Still Insured) Healthcare Benefits
As the costs of fully-insured health insurance programs continue to rise and as the marketplace adjusts to ACA, the need for smaller employers’ (10 to 250 employees) and mid-sized employers (250+) to self-fund group health benefits and realize the advantages is more apparent. This Guide on self-funding identifies the risks involved, shows how to limit and fully-fund the risk and outlines the “newest” technologies, products, regulations and concepts in health care benefit program administration and management so as to reduce and / or avoid healthcare costs. Content examples include TPA vetting, ERISA benefit design flexibility, lowering premium taxes, navigating to self-funding, overviewing IRC Section 105 and 105(h), HRA custom document creation, SPD and stop loss insurance coordination, health care analytics & predictive modeling, solutions for pharmaceutical benefits management, description of wellness programs and more. Results allow the employer to enter into a self-funding arrangement with an understanding of the pros and cons and to have a program that exactly meets the employer’s needs.