Item # PEM1 - Lower Cost Integrated and Adjusted Severance Pay Benefits (U.S. only)
Employers typically pay Lump Sums Instead of Weekly Severance Pay Benefits thereby losing Opportunities to Reduce Program Costs. This Vendor can both offset Weekly Payments with Government Unemployment Insurance Benefits and monitor when Severed Employees get Re-employed so that Weekly payments can be stopped. Severed Employees thus receive 100% of Pay (Instead of 130% on Average) and the Employer saves 20% to 40% of the Cost of the Program. This Program can be applied differently by Location, by Employee Group or for New Hires Only, etc.
Item # PEM2 - Salary Protection Insurance for Integrated Severance Pay Benefits so as to Guarantee a Current Year, Locked-In Savings (U.S. Only)
This Insurance Program for Weekly-Paid Severance Pay Benefits uses a Patented Underwriting Methodology to estimate the Benefit Payment Duration for Upcoming/ Anticipated RIF’s. The Duration Estimate considers 3 Variables (Salary Amount, Length-of-Service and Position) and serves as the Basis for developing a Policy Premium that is Tax Deductible (See Your Advisors Please) in the Current Period Regardless of the Plan’s Actual Experience with Benefit Payment Duration and Legislative Changes. The Policy contains a “Premium Credit Carry Forward” Provision to Protect the Employer in the Event the Actual Exiting Population Experience is More Favorable than the Estimated Experience
Item # PEM3 -Broadest Medicare Supplement Plan Insurance Exchange to Provide Better or New Benefits at Lower Costs For Both Employers and Retirees (U.S. Only)
The Spread of Risk across the Entire Medicare population is Larger than the Spread across the Employer’s Own population thereby making a Broad Medicare Supplement insurance Exchange more Cost Effective for all Involved. This Insurance Exchange provides 100% Guaranteed-Issue Coverage across 65 Insurance Companies with over 100,000 Different Policies. Enrollment, Communication, Service Center, HRA admin for both Pre and Post-Age 65 Populations, etc. are all Outsourced to Vendor. Retirees Win by having a Lower Premium and /or Better Benefits. Employers win by realizing a Potentially Reduced FASB/ GASB OPEB Liability (-20% to -40%) and improved Cash Flow for Funded Plans and /or offering a No-Cost New Benefit in Cases where No Funding is Available
Item # PEM4 -Outsourced Unemployment Insurance (UI) Program Administration Including Tax Rate Verification and Employer Representation at UI Hearings (U.S. Only)
Improper Administration of Unemployment Insurance can lead to Higher-Than-Need-Be Unemployment Tax Rates due to Inappropriate State-Approved UI Determinations and Miscalculations of Employer’s UI Tax Rate. This Vendor has 8 Years of Experience with Administering UI Benefits. Services include Initial Audit of Current Program, Claim Control Processes and Manager Training; Pre-Termination Employer Hotline to Minimize Claim Awards; Claims Management and Processing including Employer Contestation; UI Tax Rate Verification and Reconciliation of State Reports; Preparation of Activity Reports; and Employer Representation at UI Hearings. Average Employer realizes a 1% to 3% Reduction in UI Tax Rate over a 3 Year Period
Item # PEM5 – SaaS-Based, Low Cost, On-Line Outplacement System with Optional One-On-One Personalized Job Placement Specialist Support
Traditonal Outplacement Services are Inefficient and Expensive because they are Labor Intensive and deploy both Outdated Technologies and Job Search Techniques. This SaaS-Based System has Undergone 12 Person-Years of Continuous Development in 3 Countries around the World. Users can choose to follow One of Two Different, Patent Pending Search Processes developed by Renowned Authors/Experts. Steps include Organization and Planning, Tool Completion, Ongoing Search Modification, e-Learning and Coaching, Optionally, Personal Job Placement Specialists can be assigned to help Generate Targeted Interviews
For more information click here
Item # PEM6 - Cost-effective Reduction-in-Force Employee Competency Assessment and Prioritization Tool
This Cost-Effective, Competency-Based Decision Support System Assesses all or desired Incumbents in any Job by comparing and ranking them for Job Fit against an Validated and Optimized Competency Profile for that Job. It then Rank Orders the Incumbents from High to Low Fit thereby Providing a Scientific Basis for RIF Decision-Making, Retaining the Optimal Talent and Creating a Potential Pathway to Legal Defensibility
Item # PEM7 - External Recruiter Job Placement Incentive Payment Funded by Escrow of a Portion of the Severance Payment
This System is designed to Help RIF / Laid-Off Employees Find a New Job by providing a Monetary Incentive for Third Party Recruiters to Earn. Incentives get funded from the Employee’s Severance Package and are held in Escrow. They either get paid to that Recruiter who is Successful with finding a New Job for the Ex-employee or they get returned to Employer if a New Job is not found by the Reward Expiration Date
Item # PEM8 - Tailored-to-Your HR Budget, One-On-One Telephone Exit Interviewing Service
This Telephone Interviewing Service is driven by “Precision Information Capture” not Mere “Data Collection”. It deploys a Multi-lingual Staff of Real People calling Real People using Computer-Aided Technologies that enable Quick Deployment of Telephone or Web Surveys for Exiting Employees to Explore experiences about supervisors, managers, training, communication, why they left, where they went, and why. They Provide the Difference Between just getting Data and Information and getting the Real Knowledge that can only come from looking at the Actual Responses offered by the Population Surveyed. This service is backed by Industry’s Most Rigorous Quality Control Processes of 95%+ Audited Response Information vs. an Estimated 8% for Other Vendors thereby Delivering “Squeaky Clean” Root Cause, Actionable Data
For more information click here
Item # PEM9 - Retiree Outsourcing Model that Combines an Individual Policy Exchange with a Traditional Group Policy Approach for Medicare Supplement Coverage
Retiree Medical Outsourcing using only an Individual Insurance Policy Exchange can cause Consternation for Retirees with Resultant PR Problems for the Employer as Retirees lose their Tried
and True Coverage under the Prior Group Benefits Plan. This Vendor provides Retirees with both an Insurance Exchange and a Group Plan both at the Employees' Option. Multiple Insurance Carriers and
Medicare Advantage Plans are
offered as Options on the Individual Exchange Side. A Fully-Insured, ERISA-Exempt Plan is offered by a Carefully Chosen Reputable Carrier as an Option on the Group Side. Retaining the Group Plan
allows the Retiree to participate in a Comparable Retiree Plan they have been used to or any other Customized Plan Design as Group Coverage is not Constrained by Standardize Plan Designs A through N.
Experience shows that Between 60% and 70% of Retirees will retain the Group Plan in year 1 with some Eventual Migration to the Exchange Side Over Time as Comfort Levels grow
Item# PEM10 - SaaS-Based and Flexible Exit Interview Data Gathering and Management Reporting System
Information from exiting employees contains a valuable storehouse of business-wide process improvement information but lack of systemized and formalized gathering processes can result in the employer having unorganized and disparate data rather than usable management information. This easy-to-deploy, secure and cloud based exit interviewing platform offers several off-the-shelf exit-interview templates and or the employer can create its own template. The system manages exiting employee work-flow, compliance and qualitative and quantitative data capture all displayed via robust dashboard reporting. Results include enhanced strategic decision-making about areas of the business where process improvement efforts should be focused so as to reduce employee turnover and enhance productivity.
Item# PEM11 - Org Charting Software Tool to Enable Visualization of Current and Future Workforce so as to Facilitate a Timely Organizational Restructure for Mergers & Acquisitions
Post M&A, determining the optimal surviving workforce can take months. Instead, this desk top application integrates with any and all HR files to auto-generate a visualization of the workforce and reporting structures. (A Visio compatible version is available). A powerful auto-refresh feature updates revised org charts based on underlying HR data files at any desired frequency. Modeling capabilities assess impacts on organization structure changes in terms of span of control, performance levels, training, experience levels, pay, bonuses, etc. ”Interactive PDF’s” can be peeled off to allow for analysis at the business unit level. This software tangentially helps to identify HR data files errors, gaps, overlaps and other reporting anomalies that can be identified only via visualization.
For more information click here
Item# PEM12 - Org Charting Software Tool to Enable Visualization of Current and Future Workforce so as to Facilitate an Intended Reduction-In-Force
When planning for an anticipated reduction-in-force, determining the optimal surviving workforce can take months. Instead, this desk top application integrates with any and all HR files to auto-generate a visualization of the workforce and reporting structures. (A Visio compatible version is available). A powerful auto-refresh feature updates revised org charts based on underlying HR data files at any desired frequency. Modeling capabilities assess impacts on organization structure changes in terms of span of control, performance levels, training, experience levels, pay, bonuses, etc. ”Interactive PDF’s” can be peeled off to allow for analysis at the business unit level. This software tangentially helps to identify HR data files errors, gaps, overlaps and other reporting anomalies that can be identified only via visualization
For more information click here
Item# PEM13 - Tool for Assessing the Employer’s Termination Process
Legislation and judicial rulings have placed limits on the employer’s traditional rights to discharge employees previously considered employed “at will”. The organization’s decisions to discipline, suspend or terminate employees expose it to potential significant employment-related liabilities with the “liability meter” running until legal issues are finally resolved. This comprehensive assessment tool developed over 25+ years with continuous refinement consists of over 70 questions to be answered by the organization to evaluate its current termination decision-making process in terms of policy and procedure. Results can include improved communications, reduced legal exposure and improved employee performance and more.
Item# PEM14 - Tool for Assessing the Employer’s Downsizing, Layoffs and Plant Closing Policies and Procedures
Numerous economic, political, business, technological, and other factors affect downsizing, layoffs and plant closing decisions. Federal, state, and local laws plus judicial rulings regulating employer prerogatives in work force adjustments have made it more difficult for employers to get RIF-related discrimination claims dismissed on summary judgment. This comprehensive assessment tool developed over 25+ years with continuous refinement consists of close to 70 questions to be answered by the organization to assist in planning the organization’s compliance with workforce adjustment- related statutes and regulations. The assessment (along with your legal counsel) helps to assure compliance and prepare for employee and public relations requirements.
Item# PEM15 - Tool for Assessing the Employer’s Unemployment Insurance Program Management Process
Unemployment Insurance (UI) management issues have a direct impact on an organization’s tax liability, and because state UI taxes are experience-rated they represent a controllable expense. This comprehensive assessment tool developed over 25+ years with continuous refinement consists of over 60 questions to be answered by the organization to assess its UI rate stabilization efforts achieved by stabilizing employment; taking advantage of tax saving provisions in the law; using effective hiring, employment and firing procedures; training supervisors on proper UI management and implementing effective UI claims-hearing administration / management reporting systems. Results include having knowledge of the effectiveness of the current UI management program and identifying more effective UI cost control measures
Item# PEM16 - On-line Exit Interview Survey System with Weighted Responses Broken Down by Desired Employee Demographic Groupings
Most automated exit interview systems are quite simplistic in nature and thus provide lots of data but often little actionable information and solid knowledge about what’s going on in the organization. This 10 minute on-line survey contains over 30 of the most common issues related to voluntary separations from service. Respondents provide “Yes” or “No” answers and are given opportunities for write-in amplification on both select “yes” type answers and several employer-determined questions. The system auto- flags any past employee who uses troublesome language (e.g. “discrimination” or “harassment”) and it can be integrated with an HRIS system as desired. Automatic quarterly and/or ad hoc reports show the clear causes of turnover for desired groups thereby allowing the business to make appropriate adjustments and improve employee retention rates.