Revenue Generation
RG #1 - Vision-Mission-Value Consultancy that Focuses Exclusively on Top Line Revenue Generation
This fee-based consultancy works exclusively with agency / HR consultancy leadership to create new vision and direction that is supported by teachable, replicable and measurable leadership tactics that create a highly engaged and fully accountable sales team. They identify growth processes, expectations and low-risk-compensation strategies to help sustain and add new talent on an affordable basis. Proprietary methods are deployed to create at “Buying System” for prospects that allow them to become clients without their ever being sold to or closed.
Note: HR Mining is currently in discussions with this vendor
RG #2 - Comprehensive Market Intelligence Tool that Enables Benefit Plan Advisors to Identify Target Benefit Markets, the Competitive Landscape and Potential Prospects
Employee benefits leaders need to understand where their various markets are across lines of business (LOB’s) and anticipate business movement among firms and vendors in order to be able to identify new sales opportunities and staff accordingly. This SaaS-based and continuously refreshed benefits marketplace analytics system draws upon a variety of data sources that allow for the development of specific-to-your-firm business and sales strategies. Robust management reports and dashboards can be customized to your specifications to show factors such as employer name, industry type, benefit plan mix, group size by LOB, client-advisor relationship by LOB, vendor by LOB, etc. for health, disability, life, and retirement plans, as desired. Armed with this insight, your organization can identify more effective client solutions and craft value propositions that resonate for target markets so as to increase sales / market share by desired market.
RG #3 - Healthcare Care, Rx and Dental Claims Audit System that Facilitates Entry into Claims Auditing as a New Line of Business
Clients may want their the healthcare claims TPA to undergo an audit so as to assess for errors and may use the services of another party that earns the consulting fees from the audit and worse yet, that might be a competitor. This proprietary, intelligent and highly selective auditing software allows an agency to audit its clients’ healthcare claims against the clients benefit plan language and other parameters. The software covers over 90 categories of pre-defined medical claims concerns such as such as duplicate payments, lack of medical necessity, missed third party liability, etc. It includes licensed and embedded industry standard medical codes (e.g. CPTs, ICD-9s, and others). A robust reporting engine includes many pre-defined client reports that can render easily in PDF or Excel. With industry healthcare claim errors typically in the range of 1 – 3 % of paid claims, this software can result in a significant ROI for the client - anywhere from 1.0 to 5.0.
RG #4 - SaaS-Based System For Agency to Design, Track and Manage For Its Clients the Types of Employee Wellness Challenges that Require Measurable Results
Wellness-oriented clients may want to run various Wellness Challenges - perhaps at the broker’s behest but your agency likely has neither a tool to help guide the design of the challenge nor a method for tracking and reporting results. This SaaS-based system allows the Challenge Program Administrator to establish quantifiable parameters for various types of challenges like walking/physical activity, smoking cessation, weight loss, healthy eating, etc. Goals, terms, limits/ milestones, reward points, etc. can be set using system-guided drop-downs based on data from other administrators' proven challenges. Participant results can be manually or electronically entered and tracked by the participant and /or administrator. Management Reports track either per participant or by employee team. Excel data files can be easily exported to other HR systems that require wellness program results.
RG #5 - Establishing a Voluntary, Employer-Sponsored Union at the Agency / Consultancy to Support Selling into Unions (Includes Optional but Low Cost / Cadillac Style Healthcare and Other Benefits Program)
Many agencies or consultancies have the necessary skills and would welcome the opportunity sell into the organized labor vertical but may lack a solid door opener. This union openly welcomes white collar type employers which can voluntarily join the union and with an opportunity to opt out each year. This membership allows the agency/consultancy to claim union status as it requests meetings with other unions which it wants to do business with thereby significantly increasing the chances of obtaining that all-important initial meeting. As a consequence of joining this union, the agency /consultancy can avail itself of a cadre of valuable union style benefits
RG #6 - Outsourced Employee Elective / Voluntary Benefits Practice to Increase Agency Commissions through Specialized and Enhanced Delivery of Services
Many agencies have not focused on enhancing the delivering of elective benefits services to their clients but instead simply pick a carrier or two and hope for the best. The results can be low enrollment levels, non-optimized cross product sales and delivery of less than competitive products thereby leaving this line of business open to the competition. This voluntary-benefits-only agency works on a commission split basis and serves as your outsourced Elective Benefits Practice. They represent 20+ different insurance companies (including the likes of AFLAC, Unum, Colonial, Transamerica, Allstate, Lincoln, Humana, Banker’s Fidelity, Met Life, etc.) and can recommend an optimized portfolio of products based on the client objectives which they help to determine in areas such as gaps in current employer-provided coverages, preferred pricing methods, administration requirements, etc. Incentives provided to the employer help to ensure that the supporting nationwide network of hourly paid professional benefits enrollers will actually get the desired one-on-one meetings with the entire employee population. Average results include an increase in enrollments, increase in multiple product line sales and increase in overall commissions to the agency - net of commission sharing.
RG #7 – Employer Payroll Services Group Purchasing Organization that by Joining, Provides Smaller Employers (<10ees) with Access to Employee Benefit Programs and other Services Typically Available Only to Larger Employers
Smaller employers are laboring under costly age-banded and ACA-loaded healthcare plan premium structures and due to their small group size, they cannot access other discounted, guaranteed issue, larger group-style programs like 401(k), LTD, dental, etc. This employer organization allows the employees of the small employer (down to one employee) to become formal employees of the employer organization in addition to being employees of the small employer. Once payroll services are moved to the to the employer organization as a condition of membership, the small employer can permissibly access an entire portfolio of employee benefit programs with prices and features heretofore only available to larger employers. This is because the rolled-up organization is actually a larger employer in and of itself. Other cost effective services include work comp, etc. The results are that smaller employers can now save costs, streamline operations and focus more on building their businesses and less on running their tedious day-to-day backroom-type HR operations.
RG #8 – Competitively Priced, Fully Integrated Point Factor Job Evaluation and Salary Analysis Program Software
This Job Evaluation and Market Pricing System is built on a Proprietary Analyses of 15 Compensable Factors and also incorporates the External Salary Survey Data by Position. It can be used internally by an HR advisory firm to consult with clients on job rnaking and pricing. Multiple Regression Analysis is used to determine the internal Dollar Value of each Point and Position to be matched against External Survey Data to ensure both Internal and External Equity. Builds Internal Base Pay Structure based on Compensation Policy and "What ifs" and has Visual Tools for Establishing Pay Grades and Identifying Potential Pay Issues Related to Gender, Ethnic and Age. Reduces the Need for Outside Consulting Assistance
Item# RG9 On-Line Guide for Fully-Insured High Dollar Deductible Healthcare Plan HRA Compliance Documentation and Optional Agency-Level HRA Administration
Employers with qualifying HDHP plans will likely want to establish an HRA so as to pass along favorable tax advantages to employees. However, HRA’s must be both compliant and administered. This benefits practitioner produces a low cost on-line Guide to help agencies establish an agency-branded HRA service offering. All required documents are produced in an IRS, DOL & ACA compliant fashion. A self-administration guide includes the Summary Plan Description, self-administration compliance manual; corporate resolution, amendment request, claims form, etc. A simple self-administration reimbursement program driven from insurance company EOB’ allows for tracking and making reimbursements. Most agencies will bill their clients for this service there by developing a new source of agency revenue