HR Specialty Products & Services Catalogue Overview

 The HR Specialty Products & Services Catalogue covers the entire HR taxonomy from recruitment on through post- employment. Millions of dollars of senior level time have gone into to locating, vetting and developing proprietary and "Twitter-like" high level marketing materials for each prodcut or service. The Catalogue contains several major sections.


The first section contains HR Specialty Products & Services "Catalogue Index". This  indexes an aggregation of fresh thinking in HR from around the world. These specialty items are very unique and often one-of-a-kind (to our knowledge) in terms of their methodology, supporting research, technology platform, price, etc.


The second section of the Catalogue "Items for Specifc Indsutries" contains products and servcies that are intended for use in specific industires. However, we also list items that can cross multiple industries but that have been shown to have particular gravitas in a given indsustry.   

The third section "Small Employers" show items that are intended use for primrily by small employers where "small" can mean from 2 to 50 os so emplyees.  

The fourth section of the Catalogue "Traditional HR Consutling Servcies" covers the HRM&DCo Virtual Human Capital Consultancy which provides an overviewof our  broad spectrum of low-cost yet high-quality, traditional HR consulting and broking services.


If website visitors wish to see more information about any of the innovations seen herein, they are asked to please call or email us (See “Contact Us”). Please provide us with the Catalogue number or key words therefrom so we know where your interest lies. If a given innovation is relevant only to US employers, it will be indicated (U.S. Only)


Using the HR Specialty Products & Services Catalogue

Upon advice from our informal advisory board, we have layered the Catalogue information from strategic to tactical to operational. Busy people in HR “get it” and do not need to sit through an entire 60 minute operational level vendor presentation so as to understand upfront whether a particular product or service may be relevant such that more information is needed.

The Catalogue Listings published here on the website are the strategic level summaries designed to provide a quick overview.

Each Catalogue Listing is support by an Executive Summary written in Power Point that contains between 1 and 5 quick slides per idea. These Summaries are custom-prepared by HRM&DCo to provide 80% of the information you need in 20% of the required reading time. They help to elucidate the product or service with supporting tactical information such as screen shots, case studies, cost comparisons, etc. and will be made available to employers upon request

Catalogue Listings and Executive Summaries are prepared without disclosing the names of the underlying vendors. This is done to protect HRM&DCO’s years of aggregation efforts. The entire Catalogue or just relevant sections therefrom, can be made available to employer organizations via Word files

Beyond the Executive Summary, HRM&DCO can and will arrange for a vendor presentation via webcast or conference call.

The estimated required time spent with absorbing each level of information is show below:


Information Level


Reading Time


Catalogue Listing

1-2 minutes


Executive Summary

3-5 minutes


Vendor Presentation

30 -60 minutes